This is the class blog for Composition courses at CSULA. We have been studying the environment and now we are ready to share what we've learned.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Heal the Bay clean up
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saving our World
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Beach CleanUp
Friday, November 18, 2011
making a change
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Heal The Bay
Hi everyone. My name is Azzam Meeralam. I'm a student at Cal. State L.A. In ENG 101 class, we were invited to "Heal the Bay" event. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to participate. I decided to do something else. I went to Del Norte Park to pick up some trash. When I got there, the park was almost empty. I picked up many different kinds of trash, plastics, bags and tree branches. While I was walking around the park, I noticed one big piece of tree branch, so I picked it up and throw it in the garbage container. Also, I picked up some plastics like water bottles and bags.
The cleaning process took about five minutes and I was able to pick up four to five items off the ground. If I stayed longer, I would have picked up more, but because of the sunset I had to stop.
I believe that it is our responsibility to keep our parks and beaches clean and beautiful. And that can be achieved by picking up our trash before we leave these places. It is easy! take a bag with you whenever you go to the beach or to the park.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Heal the Bay
Heal The Bay
Hello, I am Mauricio Sandoval from Professor Holladay's class
Cleaning The Beach
Monday, November 7, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Heal the Bay
Heal the Bay
Upon arrival I was not looking forward to cleaning the beach. I was tired, grumpy and all I wanted to do was crawl back to my bed and go to sleep. While walking down to the beach I didn’t notice that much trash, but once we arrived to the beach we were finding trash everywhere. We found trash from plastic bottles to medicinal marijuana “baggies”. Most of the trash that we found was left there by visitors. Even though they were on a couple feet away from a trash can, they decided to leave it there instead of picking it up and throwing it away. We were there for two hours and we managed to fill three bags. Even though cleaning the beach brings a lot of self-appreciation. It also brings awareness to the problem that trash causes in the ecosystem. Most of the trash that doesn’t get picked usually will end up in the ocean, and many fish will eat the trash. Cleaning Dockweiler Beach was a very fun activity, especially when you’re cleaning it with a bunch of your friends.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Returning the Favor
Hello, my name is Jeanne Pascua and I'm one of Professor Holladay's English 101 students. On October 23rd, I had to participate in the Dockweiler clean up for service learning. To be honest, this event makes me reminisce when I used to be part of K.E.Y. Club in Eagle Rock High School. I had to do 60 hours of community service by the end of senior year. People may misinterpret this club for making "keys," but it's false. We had to help out the community by attending various events such as clean ups. Similarly, the last event I attended on my senior year helped the environment just like this clean up. We had to plant trees at Highland Park.
Attending this event was a wonderful experience; excluding the fact that I had to wake up early on a Sunday. Professor Holladay generously provided transportation for me. Since my dad was unfamiliar with the beach, this was very convenient. The clean up wasn't an individual activity. We had to form a group of four and carry one or two bags per group. My clean up group mates were: Luis Martinez, my English 101 teacher herself, and her daughter. We mainly cleaned near the coastline and encountered: candy wrappers, cigarette butts, eaten fruits, and other plastic material. Most of the trash we found were similar. Candy wrappers were a common sight. In my opinion, the most interesting trash that Luis encountered during the clean up was coal. I wouldn't know why coal would be sitting near the coastline unless it traveled through the ocean. A couple of things that he found that were also interesting were squeezed lemon slices. My professor assumes that people were having Tequila shots with lemon. Personally, the only interesting thing I've found was a sponge ball buried inside the sand. I had to excavate it. It was difficult to find something strange near the coastline rather than what I just mentioned. Apparently, it was the most famous location among other clean up volunteers.
I decided to take the bus back home with a friend of mine. Not only did I feel great about helping but I also experienced taking the Metro Line for the first time. One thing that disappointed me was how I didn't get to pick up trash aside from the candy wrappers. It was also difficult to take photos while cleaning up; particularly with dirty gloves on. Frankly, I was surprised when I found out that this beach was owned by Cal State L.A.
I believe that this was a terrific event especially for those who've never helped out their community. I wish that the majority would attend events such as these even if it isn't an assignment. As a student, I'm considering to volunteer for future clean ups. Since Mother Nature allowed us to manipulate her, we should return the favor.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Dirty Beaches

Helping The Bay
Waking up in the early morning I had a nolgastic feeling. A feeling that I have not had in years since I was in elementary. So after I woke up took a shower and got dress. I waited at the bus stop to go to spring and temple because today was the day I was going to dockweiler beach to clean it up. When I got there it was still a long way before the meet up was at. It was a really in the foggy morning at the beach. When I arrive there I saw a group of people there and the leaders were taking the “permission slip” I should say, awhile I was about to give the slip I drop one but did not notice until someone pointed it out for me. When I went were everybody else went to gather the person in the red sweater was giving instructions. here we are getting the supply it was a bag for each group and a check list of what we piked up. I went an group up with my two class mates n friends
they were a lot of seaguls at dockweiler. We latter decided to group with other people. there is someone marking a tally on what we piked up. We were walking up further until we hit the mother load of beach trash we even found half of a watermelon
As we finish we went to look for more thrash we went in to gient rocks to see if there any trash in between them I saw some marine life on the sides of the rocks when there was nothing we left and one of our member started a small fire with an amber later we added more wood that was on the side so we took a break there near the fire because it was cold at the beach soon it was time to go and we left. When we got to the rondevu point (which is where we got our supply) there was not that much trash as I thought