Hey, my name is Michael Estrada and I’m a student from Ms.
Hernandezs’ English 101 class. On April 27, 2012 a couple of students and I
took part in cleaning up the LA River. Others might have complained about having
to attend an event like this but I actually had fun doing something beneficiary
to my community. As I walked passed the river bed and into the LA River I felt
a bit of anxiety, not knowing what to expect down there; I was amazed to find so
much trash in a place where it’s suppose to look clean and beautiful. The LA River
looked more like a creek filled with dump rather than a river. But by seeing
others contribute into making the LA River look clean and beautiful once again,
inspired me to do the same. I took a lot of excitement out of getting the opportunity
to be part of something like this. I just hope I can be part of it again