Hello my name is Erick, and I would like to share the experience I had at Dockweiler Beach with my English 101 class. For starters, i'm not a morning person, so waking up and getting there was a challenge in itself. I was beyond groggy in the morning but once we hit the beach sand, I was wide awake and alert. The beach is a beautiful place and it shouldn't be as dirty as it was when we went to go clean up. After picking up one bag of trash we found items that I was definitely not expecting. It ranged from styrofoam to three bottles of Corona's. All in all, I encourage everyone to make the attempt to do your part and to go to a beach near you and clean it up !
This is the class blog for Composition courses at CSULA. We have been studying the environment and now we are ready to share what we've learned.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Sunday Beach Cleanup at Dockweiler Beach
Going to the beach is a place where people go to relax, have
a good time with their loved ones, or simply go get at tan. Unfortunately, that
has changed over the years because today our beaches are infested with trash. There’s
is nobody to blame but us, we haven’t taken the proper measures to clean our
trash and for that reason our beaches are the ones who suffer the consequences.
Although it may seem like there is nobody taking action, we have wonderful programs
like Heal the Bay that care for our environment
and connect communities to help out and do their part to cure the environment. Teaching
us that one person can’t save nor protect our environment, but they teach us
that we as individuals need to do our part and together we can make a
difference to our planet. So I, Arturo Gonzalez, a simple student in English
101 have the power to take care of our planet. So I had the honor to do my part
this past Sunday in Dockweiler Beach. Our class joined forces with Heal the Bay in a beach cleanup. Although,
the cleanup was a bit difficult because it was early, hot, and especially on a
Sunday but at the end you felt a sense of reward because I know I did my part. Finally, I learned that I did this, not
because I had to but because I wanted to have my beaches clean. At the end we all like
clean beaches……Right!?
Heal the Bay
This past Sunday my English 101 class participated in Heal the Bay, an organization that helps clean the beach. I had an amazing experience. Before, I came into this English class I was not aware of any of these organizations that help the planet except the few that are always on commercials or poster boards along the freeway. When I arrived we were put into groups and given a bag. As I walked along the beach picking up trash I was astonished by how much trash my group collected and imagining that other groups might have picked up more. There was so much trash such a cigarette butts, plastic plates, and a lot of broken glass. Even though the picture I provided above might be clean and pretty not all beaches look like this without organizations or people that picked up or dispose of their trash correctly. This experience has seriously changed my view on how we get rid of our trash.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Heal the Bay Cleanup at Dockweiler State Beach
Hello my name is Hector Borja, my Engl 101 class and I participated in the Heal The Bay event were we were assigned to clean up Dockweiler State Beach by picking up trash around the shores and hills. Each group was given a plastic bag, latex gloves, and a paper to tally up the trash your group picked up. It was a fun expereince for me becuase I never did a beach clean up but I have volunteered before on other clean up events but didnt compare to this one becuase the scenry was nicer. My group and I picked up alot of things like 3 used daipers but we used the gloves to pick them up and not bare hand, also we picked up alot of trash by the hills like cigarette butts, plastic cups, straws, and much more trash. This event showed me is that some people can be careless and just throw their trash practically anywhere they feel like.
Dockweiler Beach Cleanup
Hello everyone, my name is Benjamin Limones and this past Sunday I had the privilege to contribute with the Heal the Bay program. Even though it was a pretty amazing drive with the planes next to me as I drove down the 105 freeway, the great part of the field trip was that I, as well as my English 101 class, helped out and cleaned up Dockweiler Beach. It was a nice experience because I got to pick up trash and see how people don’t care about what trash they throw in the sand which will soon end up in the ocean. But with my actions and what the amount of trash my group picked up next time and well pretty much from now on when I go to the beach I will take spare bags and clean not only my area but my surrounding area also. I know I do that I will contribute to this cause and keep the trash where it supposed to be inside trash bins, not the sand. By far I’ve gone to many field trips but never did I believe that little actions can make a big difference in the marine life. This Heal the Bay trip has showed me many ideas that I can pass down to my family and my future generations…….Thanks Heal the Bay (the Heal the Bay Decal looks great in my truck)
Heal the Bay
Hi everyone,
My name is Brian Contreras and this past Sunday I participated in a heal the bay beach clean up at Dockweiler Beach with my English 101 class. I really enjoyed this experience because I got to see how much trash people leave at the beach. My group and I found a good amount of plastic and styrofoam. We also found odd things like a CD and a sock. For the most part this trip to the beach taught me that if people pick up after themselves and throw away their trash properly the beach and the environment can look a lot healthier.
My name is Brian Contreras and this past Sunday I participated in a heal the bay beach clean up at Dockweiler Beach with my English 101 class. I really enjoyed this experience because I got to see how much trash people leave at the beach. My group and I found a good amount of plastic and styrofoam. We also found odd things like a CD and a sock. For the most part this trip to the beach taught me that if people pick up after themselves and throw away their trash properly the beach and the environment can look a lot healthier.
Heal the bay: Clean up at Dockweiler beach
Hello, my name is Fidel Canche. On Sunday January 25 2015 I had the pleasure to attend heal the bay with my English 101 class. At first when I heard that we had to attend to this I was not really happy about it since it was on a Sunday and I spend most Sundays just resting, but this past Sunday was an exception. while cleaning up the coast at Dockweiler Beach, I thought there wasn't any trash, but at soon as my group and I started we found many cigarettes butts, plastic wrappers, Styrofoam, and many more other things. All of this trash comes from us humans. We need to care for this because this washes into the ocean and it harms animals. Many animals mistaken these pieces of trash with food and eat them. If we do not act fast soon these marine animals will either die or move some where were they can survive. Cleaning up the coast and realized the good that I made that day made me feel proud of myself. Many more people need to come out and clean up the coast with heal the bay.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Heal the bay; Cleaning up Dockweiler beach
Hello, my name is Miguel Cabrera. On Sunday, January 25th, 2015, I had the opportunity to take part in a very helpful event, which was to help clean-up Dockweiler beach. I had a lot of fun while I also enjoyed the view, but what I enjoyed the most was the feeling I got after. This is a feeling that one can only get after knowing they did something right. I felt really good after helping clean-up because you can really find a lot of trash on the beach and when you realize where it is headed and the number of beings that can be harmed by it, it's horrible. You find many different thing pieces of trash on the beach, such as, hangers for clothing, pieces of glass, and many many many cigarettes. It hurts to see all of this trash on the floor because there is many trashcans spread all along the beach but people don't seem to be able to gather the strength to walk to them, and throw something away. After spending a couple hours cleaning up Dockweiler beach, I have learned to embrace the beauty of a beach and why we should help keep it clean. If everyone were to help keep locations as beautiful as the beach clean, we could not only have clean beaches, we could have a cleaner earth.
Heal the Bay: Dockweiler State Beach
Heal The Bay Experience
On January 25, 2015 I had the pleasure to help clean Dockweiler beach. It was an experience totally different from all the other services I have done in the past. In the past I have done services like tutoring, but that does not compare to cleaning the beach. This is because animals are not able to clean their own home. Being able to help them was a great feeling because they are defenseless sea animals that do not harm human beings for the most part. Out of the many trashes that we found, we found cigarettes butts the most. I figured that many people smoke at the beach, but I would have thought that some people would have some type of consideration for littering at the beach, but they do not. We also found a lot of Styrofoam, but this is because those who visit the beach take food and need something to serve their food on. This is definitely something I would enjoy doing again soon.
Heal the Bay Clean-up Winter 2015
Hey everyone, my name is Christopher Carreon.
This last Sunday I had the opportunity to heal the Bay and it was a shocking experience. As a Class we all went out to Dockweiler State Beach, our objective was to pick up trash near the shore and in the parking lots. This trip was a very fun experience but also a very educational one. I personally enjoyed making a positive impact on our environment and would recommend this life experience to anyone wanting to make a difference.
This last Sunday I had the opportunity to heal the Bay and it was a shocking experience. As a Class we all went out to Dockweiler State Beach, our objective was to pick up trash near the shore and in the parking lots. This trip was a very fun experience but also a very educational one. I personally enjoyed making a positive impact on our environment and would recommend this life experience to anyone wanting to make a difference.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Regrets in the Beach by Christian Garcia
When I think of going to the beach, the last thing that crosses my mind is beach clean up. Most of the time its all about partying at the beach and reuniting with friends, but never have I thought about going to the beach for clean up. I mean, I know it is the right thing to do but never did it cross my mind. I truly want to thank Mrs. Hernandez and Heal the Bay for the opportunity of making me feel regret on all of the trash that I have left in the beach. I find it very funny how right away I knew where all the trash would be because I myself have trashed the beach. I have committed the crime of burning wood in the sand and ironically the first clean up area was a patch of sand with burned wood. More regret came in when we were picking up the trash and a surfer dude came up to thank us for cleaning up the beach. I felt that I owed it to the beach for trashing previous times. Not only did it feel good to clean the beach, but I was rewarded two dollars and fifty cents that I found while cleaning the beach. This was total Karma. In a total time of one hour and thirty minutes I fell into the realization that I must be more careful with the way I dispose of trash. I, Christian Garcia, on January 25, 2015 made a promise to the beach of taking care of it as if it were my home.
Heal The Bay Event 2015
Hi, my name is Efren Colato. Today, I had the pleasure and opportunity to not only hangout at Dock Weiler beach with my classmates and admire the beautiful oceanic view along the horizon, but to also participate in the Heal The Bay event and gain a deeper understanding of how garbage can really affect the environment and its inhabitants and what we could do to diminish the amount of garbage actually present in our planet's oceans. So, in this event, we had to sweep and cleanse the sandy shores of garbage and keep a tally of our findings. After our little "scavenger hunt", I've got to say that our garbage intake was rather shocking. Who would've thought that you'd find garbage like a broken disc, a tattered sock, and vast amounts of Styrofoam lying around the sand in Dock Weiler beach? This just goes to show that people should be more considerate of their disposables and toss them in a garbage can rather than anywhere else if we are to appreciate and glance at the wonders that mother nature has to offer us. This event has motivated me to do my part to help keep the beaches and other environments clean.
Heal the Bay 2015
Hi everyone, my name is Daniel Contreras and I am a freshman at Cal State LA and the heal the bay clean up trip was a great trip. Heal the Bay was a great experience to meet people and to visit mother nature. Heal the bay trip was designed to clean the beach which many people see as boring but it was actually pretty fun hanging out with friends and doing something positive for the environment. Picking up trash off the beach felt good and I was surprised to find so much trash especially bottles. Overall the beach trip was great and I strongly recommend future students to take the trip as well.
Heal The Bay
My name is Carina Martinez and I am a freshman at Cal State
LA. On Sunday, January 25, 20, I had the opportunity along with my English 101 classmates
and professor to volunteer and help Heal
the Bay clean up Dockweiler Beach. As I first arrived to the beach I did
not notice trash, instead I noticed a beautiful place that was alive with animals
and people enjoying the weather. But it was not until I began to walk along the
parking lot or near the bonfires that I noticed the trash that had been left
behind by those who had been there the previous day. It was sad to see trash
being thrown to the ground that which can go into ocean when there were plenty
of trash cans all over the beach that were nearly empty. Some of the most
common things we found during the clean-up were cigarette buds and different types
of plastic. Although there was not as much trash as I thought there was, I am
glad I could help the beach in any way that I can and even a surfer thanked us
for helping clean the beach. Overall it was a great experience being able to
help out and it was also a fun day.
HEAL THE BAY @ Dockweiler Beach
Going to Dockweiler Beach and picking up trash was a unique experience. Something that I have never done before. Waking up early in the morning on a weekend was already a tough task from the start, but after arriving to the beach early and trying to find the place where we're suppose to be at, was something else. The direction we were given was arrive at the parking lot and walk north, which I did which felt like forever. Even though I arrived early for the clean up, I still ended up late trying to find the place we were suppose to be at. After walking up north for almost an hour, a friend that I was with decided to walk back to our cars and just go home, but lucky, before we got to our cars, we saw our classmates picking up trash. So we decided to just join in on their group and help clean up. We found all kinds of things. There was a lot of cigarette butts and plastic pieces. The most craziest thing we found was a CD and a sock. Luckly there wasn't too much trash, so the beach was in good condition. From my point of view at least. Overall, it was a fun day. Our group got to play in the water for a bit while picking up trash and I got to scare some seagulls.
Heal the bay clean up
Hello my name is Justin Santana and i am a freshmen at CSULA!!!! For the past couple of day my English 101 professor was planning a trip to clean up Dockweiler Beach. I have never been to that beach before i realized that it was a nice beach, but while cleaning up i found some very interesting trash. It was a great experience cleaning up the beach because got to interact with others and made the beach a little more cleaner. I had a great time spending time with friends at the beach. The people where really nice and really appreciated what we were doing so they would thank us or give us stuff!! I felt so amazed on how much people actually felt about what we where doing. Judging by the stuff we found someone must have had a great turn up XD. only did i realize there was more trash on the walk to the car than the beach.
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