Hello my name is Maria Gonzalez. I am currently a CSULA student starting her first year. On October 18, 2015 I went to the Dockweiler beach to participate in my very first beach clean up with my English 101 class. The water was greenish blueish and the sand seemed soft yet I knew there was probably hundreds of tiny trash bits buried deep down. Though I got there late I still managed to do my part and help clean up where I was at. Almost everywhere I stepped I found myself picking up used cigarette buds. I got to the conclusion that people who smoked at the beach saw it as a big ash tray for cigarette buds. It was disappointing to know that people didn't care about the beach as much as they should. On the other hand the activity made me feel good for cleaning up a public place and guilty, because it felt like I should be involved in more activities that help the environment. Despite the trash bits I saw and the cigarette buds it was a lovely cloudy day at the Dockweiler beach.
This is the class blog for Composition courses at CSULA. We have been studying the environment and now we are ready to share what we've learned.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
It was chill
Hey my name is Alonso Lopez and this past Sunday on October 18, 2015 I took 2 hours of my day to help clean the beach with my fellow classmates.This was actually my 2nd time at Dockweiler Beach and it wasn't actually all that dirty. Sure there was some trash but not like any major garbage. In the 2 hours that my group and I cleaned we collected about 80 or so cigarette butts and over a 100 pieces of plastic.Plastic was definitely the most common trash on the beach. The water looked pretty damn gross to be brutally honest, it was all green and yellow. At the beach there was also some sort of triathlon going on there was hundreds of people biking , swimming and running. At the beach I also saw some interesting things like the art on the walls.
My name is Angel Morales I am a freshmen at Cal State LA and my Heal The Bay experience went something like this. It was October 18, one of my favorite months. It was a beautiful cloudy day. I thought it was going to rain so I took my windbreaker. Heading down to the beach it looked like it was going to drizzle because the clouds looked dark grey and heavy. As soon as I arrived at the beach I heard the sound of the waves crashing and saw the seagulls gliding around. There was a triathlon or something around that. At first glance the beach did not seem so dirty to me but when I put my glasses on my perspective changed. I saw trash all over the beach and around the hills. It hit around 9:00am and we received instructions from the people conducting the cleaning and we were advised not to pick up syringes because of its hazards so they gave us gloves and trash bags to clean up the beach. My group and I first started on the beach, in the beginning I picked up bits of paper, and plastic pieces. As my group and I proceeded we came across pieces of sharp glass, multiple Styrofoam pieces, plastic wrappers, and to be exact 92 cigarette butts. At one point we even found an 18-pack carton. It’s amusing how people break the rules and don’t clean up after themselves. I have always wondered why people are so selfish. What I noticed at the beach, there was a lot of trash around the fire pits and I also noticed there was coal still warm from the day prior in one of the pits. I tried to push it over but the fear of burning my self and creating more trash made me leave it alone. My legs were starting to become tired but luckily it was time to meet back with the people in charge. We got to share what we found the most which were the cigarette butts. Overall I had a great experience and it was a real eye opener. It made me think about all the sea critters and how some of the trash that is not thrown correctly is ending up on the beach. Seeing the boats from a distance, cleaning up the beach and seeing the ocean was a good experience. I wished I saw a seal but, there is always a chance next time!
Beach Clean Up at Dockweiler Beach
Hello, Alexis Silva here!, this was my first time to Dockweiler beach, I have been to several beach clean ups and let me tell you this was not bad. It was unusual to say the least. I have never seen a beach with so much ash and chicken bones, yes chicken bones! They were everywhere! Despite that it was a nice beach, even though the water looked a little to green (which means a lot of nutrients in the water) and swarms of sea gulls. I found a lot of of cigarette buds (65), Styrofoam pieces (72), and plastic pieces (76). It's surprising how much junk people leave on the beach like a marshmallow. It was an interesting day at Dockweiler.
Tiny plastic pieces mixed with sea gull feathers |
Sea Gull drinking out of fountain |
Monday, October 19, 2015
My name is Xitlalic Torres and i am currently a CSULA student. On October 18, 2015, I participated in the Heal The Bay, Beach clean-up with my class for English 101s. The beach we had volunteered to clean was Dockweiler beach. The morning of the clean up I did not want to wake up. I sat at the edge of my bed contemplating whether I should do the alternative assignment, But realized that I would be doing something good for the environment and also I would have a lovely morning at the beach so it was a win win. Each group of students were given a trash bag, gloves, a pencil, and tally sheet with different items we would find on the beach.The most thing our group found were cigarette buds. The strangest things we found were kid's toys, We would find things like Stuffed animals, boogie boards, and Frisbee's. It was sad to see all the trash that gets left behind by people. It was also sad knowing that all the plastic we found could be swallowed by the birds or most marine animals if the plastic washed up in the water. This event has helped me realize that we only have one planet, So we need to take care of it. I also realized that by doing something so small like picking up trash can help the environment and make a huge different. At the end of the day spending my morning at the beach picking up trash was both beautiful and rewarding.
Beach Clean Up With Heal the Bay (Dockweiler Beach)
Hello, my name is Diana Agredano. I'm a freshman at California State University Los Angeles. On October 18, 2015 I was a part of the beach clean up with Heal the Bay organization. It was a wonderful experience that also made me realize many things. During the beach clean up we all partnered up with others to clean. My group and me found many cigarette butts, plastic, aluminum and bottle caps. While cleaning I was wondering why there was many cigarette butts if it's illegal to smoke in a beach. All of those cigarette butts came from the city which then went to the beach. It's disappointing seeing all the trash in our nature. While being at the beach I also saw that the water was green. The water was green! How can it be possible that in other beaches people get in and the ocean is all joined in one. It was incredible seeing the water green. The reason for the water being green is due to all the trash being thrown to the ocean. I'm glad I got to experience myself how our nature is being treated. Made me feel glad that we did something to help our nature by cleaning the beach. By experiencing it I know in the future I will be more aware of how I will treat our nature. By making a change myself I know I will lead others to make a change with our environment.
Helping out the environment!
Hey guys! My name is Salvador Moreno and I'm a freshman at Cal State LA. My class for English 101s had the opportunity to collaborate with the group Heal the Bay and they clean beaches up for a good cause. I have never attended to a beach clean up and on October 18, 2015 was my first time doing that. It was an amazing feeling to help clean the beach because you feel great doing it. I invited my friends if they wanted to tag along and they said yes. I arrived a bit late because there was a marathon going on and there were cones on the street and I made a wrong turn and was going the opposite way. I finally found my way there and I met with the group and they handed me the bag, checklist, and glove and we were ready to begin. We found all sorts of things on the beach and it disappointed me that people are irresponsible and don't pick up after themselves. The most common things we found were cigarette butts, styrofoam, metal bottle caps, and plastic wrappers. Birds tend to eat the styrofoam because they think its small pieces of food and eventually end up dying because of that. I also saw the water was a bit green and I knew what i was doing will help it go back to normal. It was a great experience and if everyone takes part, we can all make a difference. It begins with us to start the change and encourage others to do the same.
Heal The Bay (Dockweiler Beach Clean-Up)
My name is Alyssa Moreno and this is my first year at CSULA. Recently on October 18th, 2015, I participated in a beach clean up with the Heal the Bay organization. Once at Dockweiler Beach I partnered up with a few of my other classmates, this experience was something I did not expect. All the trash we found and picked up was quite disappointing, like how can people be so irresponsible? The most common trash that my group and I picked up was cigarette butts, bottle caps, aluminum, plastic, and Styrofoam. My group went as far as to find liquor bottles near the greenery of the beach. After awhile my group relaxed for a bit near the water, where I noticed that the water was a bit greenish looking. Knowing that we made a difference for the wildlife and the environment made me feel proud of myself that I chose to participate in the cleanup. It was something quiet exciting and I was able to spend it with people that were easy to talk to and made the experience so much better. Once again I am glad I participated in this eye opening experience. All it takes is one person to make a difference that can better not only our environment, but those around.
Heal The Bay- Dockweiler
My name is Jorge Ramirez and I am a first year student at Cal State La. For my English 101s class we all participated in a beach clan up at Dockweiler beach with Heal The Bay. On Sunday, October 18th, 2015 I arrived to the beach at 9:00 am, right on time. The coordinators of Heal The Bay divided us into groups of 5 and disbursed to each group a trash-bag to throw trash in and reuse when it is full, a glove each, a pencil, and a form to tally up the kinds of trash we found. I was in a group with fellow classmate Alonso and the 3 other girls I had just met, unfortunately I only remember April. They were kind, positive, fun people all from Fresno. We hit it off pretty well so cleaning up was fun while we conversed. As a group we decided to clean up around the fire pits since we assumed there would be much trash because of the bonfires from the previous day. I was surprised to not find so much trash around there, mainly cigarette butts. The oddest thing we found was a burned pumpkin, the smell was unpleasant but not a repulsive smell. After cleaning up around the pits we went over to the shore where the most common trash there was plastic and again cigarette butts. While we cleaned up we admired the ocean waves, but when we saw the waves come up we were disappointed to see yellow water. At one moment when I reached down to pick up yet again another piece of plastic I noticed the sand was yellow-green up to where the tide came up. I assume it was from the dirty water, but what was it exactly that made the water this dirty? Left with no answer I continued to clean up the beach and talking with the new friends I made. From a distance where we were cleaning I saw a pair of boots with a stuffed animal in one of them, I was not sure if it was trash but then came a long some other students who picked them up. I never went to ask what else was there but that was interesting. It was 10:20, 10 minutes left to meet back up where they set up so we started walking. On the way back we talked with other groups and they said they found a lot of cigarette butts as well. Once we all regrouped with the Heal the Bay coordinators they asked what was the most common found trash, yes, it was cigarette butts. She explained to us that smoking is illegal on the beach so all the cigarette butts are from the city, being washed down over time when it rains. I never thought of that, I just knew it WAS from people smoking the beach, people don't care about that law, they do it anyway. I have witnessed this first hand, only once have I said something but the people smoking just ignored me. Overall the beach clean up with Heal The Bay was a great experience, I was already eager it for since I was first infrared about it. It felt great cleaning up one of my favorite places with a group of people that will make a difference. I was there were more people participating in this but cleaning up on your own is always a great contribution.
My name is Jorge Ramirez and I am a first year student at Cal State La. For my English 101s class we all participated in a beach clan up at Dockweiler beach with Heal The Bay. On Sunday, October 18th, 2015 I arrived to the beach at 9:00 am, right on time. The coordinators of Heal The Bay divided us into groups of 5 and disbursed to each group a trash-bag to throw trash in and reuse when it is full, a glove each, a pencil, and a form to tally up the kinds of trash we found. I was in a group with fellow classmate Alonso and the 3 other girls I had just met, unfortunately I only remember April. They were kind, positive, fun people all from Fresno. We hit it off pretty well so cleaning up was fun while we conversed. As a group we decided to clean up around the fire pits since we assumed there would be much trash because of the bonfires from the previous day. I was surprised to not find so much trash around there, mainly cigarette butts. The oddest thing we found was a burned pumpkin, the smell was unpleasant but not a repulsive smell. After cleaning up around the pits we went over to the shore where the most common trash there was plastic and again cigarette butts. While we cleaned up we admired the ocean waves, but when we saw the waves come up we were disappointed to see yellow water. At one moment when I reached down to pick up yet again another piece of plastic I noticed the sand was yellow-green up to where the tide came up. I assume it was from the dirty water, but what was it exactly that made the water this dirty? Left with no answer I continued to clean up the beach and talking with the new friends I made. From a distance where we were cleaning I saw a pair of boots with a stuffed animal in one of them, I was not sure if it was trash but then came a long some other students who picked them up. I never went to ask what else was there but that was interesting. It was 10:20, 10 minutes left to meet back up where they set up so we started walking. On the way back we talked with other groups and they said they found a lot of cigarette butts as well. Once we all regrouped with the Heal the Bay coordinators they asked what was the most common found trash, yes, it was cigarette butts. She explained to us that smoking is illegal on the beach so all the cigarette butts are from the city, being washed down over time when it rains. I never thought of that, I just knew it WAS from people smoking the beach, people don't care about that law, they do it anyway. I have witnessed this first hand, only once have I said something but the people smoking just ignored me. Overall the beach clean up with Heal The Bay was a great experience, I was already eager it for since I was first infrared about it. It felt great cleaning up one of my favorite places with a group of people that will make a difference. I was there were more people participating in this but cleaning up on your own is always a great contribution.
Heal the Bay 2015

As my group and I were picking up trash we all noticed that the main thing that we found were cigarette butts. We all thought it quite odd that there were so many cigarette butts there because smoking is not allowed in any beach. We were later informed that those cigarette butts usually get blown over to the beached by the wind. I found this quite sad because if a bird or any other animal were to eat those, they would not be able to digest them. Since they wouldn't be able to digest them, their stomach would seem full and they would soon starve to death.
I am glad I was able to participate in helping clean up the beach. I have learned by this that if you want something done, like a cleaner beach, YOU, yourself, need to take the first step and start taking action. To me, this was an amazing experience and such an eye opener; we must all work together in preventing pollution. We would save not only our beaches but the animals that live there too.
HEAL THE BAY!! :) (Dockweiler Beach Clean-up)
Trash piled up in the sand. |
Things left behind. |
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