Lunch anyone?
When would be the day that it will be filled with water and fishes swiming?
Anyone threw the library card out the window?
Hey everyone my name is Diana and I'm in Professor Jenny morning class, correction all girls class like I read Gabby mentioned below. Well on April 30, 2011 I went to La Gran Limpieza that was an event organized by FOLAR, Friends of the Los Angeles River. La Gran Limpeza doesn't mean to get Clorox and sponges to clean in the contrary it means to pick up all the trash that us humans have thrown at one point it in our life. That morning I woke up being tired since I had worked the night before and was working again that same evening. Something inside of me motivated me to get up the bed and go I dont know what it was but I was glad I went. Somehow on my way over there I got lost although I had directions printed out and had them with me. I'm glad and thankful Professor Jenny understood and tried to do her best to help me out with directions. When I arrived I signed in and got a shirt which I am proud to wear that way people could see I took the time to do something for the environment. While I was parking I was thinking to myself for being late I'm going to be doing it o my own it turned out i was wrong. When I arrived although I was late I saw two girls waiting for me: Nayeli, a classmate from my class, and Gabby,a student from the other class. I couldnt believe that they had waited for me and I'm thankful since we had so much fun talking and laughing while doing the clean up. We found the strangest things out on the bike path way we saw a pan and part of a fork and laughed imagining someone could have had a picnic. We also saw two shopping carts supprisingly one didnt have the front wheels but we managed to take it back to the starting point and the other was tied with a chain to the fence that was along the LA River. We also found a library card which to me the best way i could say got there was by someone throwing it out of the wiondow. Seeing a dead lizard that was picked by Gavi, one of my classmates, helped me realize that the trash that was thrown there could have been one of the main reason of why it was dead. We were able to pick up plenty of trash from plastic to paper. Being able to do something like this was really fun and feel proud of myslef for doing something like this since I was helping the environment. This also help me realize that us humans tend to want to blame someone for pollution and we point fingers to industries but in reality we have to point fingers to each other since we are the ones who throw trash. I hope that in the near future we could see the LA River back with water with fish swimming instead of trash. After this I'll be in the look out to particpate in more events like this.
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