Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hello, my name is Ashley Cruz and I am a student in Professor Ximena Hernandez's English 101 class. One of our assignments was to go to Dockweiler Beach or the LA River to help clean up. I never knew how much trash the LA River had until i got there. As i was cleaning I picked up alot of interesting things. I found a soccer shoe tied up to a branch, a shirt, boxers, headphones, beer cans, metal bars, and a sleeping bag. I noticed that there were alot of plastic bags everywhere. Seeing all this trash in the LA River made me realize that not many people care for the environment.This goes back to the Environment readings i read in my English 101 class because as years go by people are slowly forgetting about Nature and are more interested in technology. I do not understand why some people rather trash our environment and not help keep it cleen.

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