Before After
Hello I am Sharon Santos and I am in Professor X.
Hernandezs’ English 101 class. This past Saturday (May 3) the class had to
participate cleaning up the Los Angeles River, FOLAR (steelhead). Throughout
the hours I was there I was picking up trash around Los Angeles River and I had
the chance to separate the trash the last 45 minutes of the event. Picking up
trash was not bad at all but it was funny to see some people not going all the
way into the “island” to pick up trash. Sort out the trash was somewhat
difficult because I was standing underneath the hot sun picking out the waste from the weed of tree and separating it into categories (metal, plastic bags,
junk food wrappers, ect). The Los Angeles River can hardly been seen. Before
seeing the river people have to pass the "island,” trees, grass and trash.
I learned that everyone should give a little bite back to the community just by
cleaning it at least one hour every two weeks. Time passes by quickly, so the
people will not feel the hour pass by. The reason why the class did this event
was because we are learning about the environment on how we can help Earth
instead of destroying it and conserve the natural resources we have now before
they run out.
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