Hello I'm Carlos Marin, apart of being if
English 101-08 with Professor Hernandez. We got the opportunity to join FoLAR.
To be able to clean the river by Fletcher Drive & Bowtie Parcel. Joining
the community help us have a better understanding that theirs is nature surrounding
Los Angeles. In many case such as this we are destroying our nature. People are littering
throughout the streets of Los Angeles which go to drain pipes into the LA River.
Connecting our reading to the experience we had on Saturday April 24, 2016
there is a lot of similarities being based what out in the real world. As in No
Impact man, many people need to get informed how to managed their lives, to go
green, become a part of the movement. Also in Jenny Price “13 Ways to See Nature”
we were able to see our river in a form of nature it beautiful in its own way. The
plants and trees surround the the river made the it livelier than other parts
of the LA River.
learn that we should keep protecting our environment even more. There is still
hope to make the world a better place. Everyone not just me have to get more involved
in learn about our environment and make changes to preserve it. Even though there where trash everywhere under
all that trash I bet the LA River will be more beautiful. Los Angeles is a big
city with a lot of people, if people keep littering Los Angeles will become a
dumping ground for the near future. FoLAR gave me a way to see nature help our
street be cleaner before the trash goes somewhere that can destroy the
environment. For now, on I would have a better understanding what happen when
people are littering the streets of LA.

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