Hello my name is Nancy Rodriguez, I in Ximena Hernandez 1005A English class. Today September 17 we went to the beach clean up at Santa Monica. It was the first time I actually came to do something like this so I was not sure what to expect. As we got to the place once in was 9:00 we started getting in line to check in we received two stamps. They we went to listen to some safety tips with some people that were also there to help out. Then we had go in line and were given a glove per person and a tally sheet and a bucket per group and we free to go and clean up. My group consisted of 4 people and we mostly picked up many cigarette butts and different types of plastic. Since we filled up the first bucket fast we went for a second round. This was a good experience to get to help out clean the beach and there was many people helping also together we can make a difference.
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