My class and I, alongside my professor, her husband, and her cute little dog, went to the FOLAR clean up. And if you do not have any idea on what FOLAR stands for, it means "Friends of the Los Angeles River." If you want me to be honest, our original motive for attending this clean up was to meet the honors college objective number 1, which is to basically be civically engaged in our community. However, by the end of this clean up everyone realized that this was a huge contribution to our local community because the amount of trash in this river, is probably enough trash to fill up 10 huge dumpsters or more!!!! Lets be honest here, that's an insane amount of trash....
Over the course of this clean- up, professor Jenny assigned to us one task. This task was while picking up the trash, we set aside interesting pieces that we can use for an art project. ( Well, would it really be considered trash then?) I guess some of my classmates took it literal when she said interesting because one student brought back a dead fish. HOW DISGUSTING!!!?? Besides this disturbing item there was simple things like old chips backs, and marbles. Quite frankly, I couldn't find anything that was deemed cool or good. How sad right ? HAHAHA! At least I managed to collect one full plastic bag of trash. This bag included but was not limited to chip bags, bow ties, a duffle bag, a blanket, and even a glass frame of some sort.
Overall, this was an amazing experience, but yes I do mind doing it again, only because it was super hot and yucky. This was definitely a different experience for me because the type of community service I take part in, involves sitting in fancy chairs in the Senate or House building in D.C, advocating for the youth in my community. I did learn that, art is everywhere around you. Like literally everywhere and can be seen in the most rarest forms. And you wont view it as art until you change your perception and definition of what art really is!

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