Hello my name is Brinna De La Rosa.Today April 18,2015 i was apart of the 26th Annual Friends of the LA river (FOLAR) clean up. when i got there i did not know what to expect so i just found my own way then i caught up with the others to get our snacks and tools what i liked was that there was a really cool band playing there the music they were playing i really liked it made the event much more exciting!. Going to this event was actually my first time going to the LA river i had seen the LA river before but never actually visted the river so it was exciting.I was expecting for the river to be dry with trash everywhere and no nature, but i was wrong there was not that much trash as i had expected but there was alot of plastic bags around trees this made me think about the plastic trash bags that i use at home i see now that it is really bad for the enviorment.There was also lots of nature to be found at the river! the water was not the cleanest but there were ducks swimming around and birds flying around lets not forget the rocks! lots of rocks everywhere i almost fell walking over them as i was walking i saw a single morning glory flower it looked so beautiful and unique because there was dirt everywhere and just a single flower made the river look that much beautiful. It was really hot today but i had lots of fun visiting the river and helping the enviorment for one day i know made a big differnce. This event relates to a book that i am reading in my English 101 class the book is called No Impact Man by Colin Beaven the book is about colin (the author) going a year without making no impact to the enviorment.I cannot see myself doing this as many people would probaly not be up for something like that for a year but seeing today how dirty the river water was made me think that we all need to change if we want to save what we have of the river.
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