Hello my name is Aura
Larios and I had the honor to attend to “La Gran Limpieza” on Saturday April 18th.
It was a great experience to attend to the LA river cleanup with my 101 English
classes. Even though I arrived late because I had some difficulties to get
there I was happy to be there, because I felt that I was finally helping my
community and giving back to nature. When I got there I needed to make a line
in order to get some supplies before walking through the river. There were a
lot of people from different parts of Los Angeles. There was no age limit I saw
little kids and older people helping out to clean. I didn’t though that many
people were going to assist to this even but they did. It was interesting to
see around people cleaning and that they were worry about nature. There was a
lot of trash but not as much as a though I was going to find. I decided to walk
towards the river to see how it looked like. When I was near the river I
remember the times I had pass nearby and never realize that it was the LA River.
In my head this question came up a lot of times “Is there nature in LA?” When I
watching the water I answered to myself “Yes There is nature in LA we just need
to take care of it”. FOLAR does a great
job by organizing this event every year and this is a great call out for a lot of
people.. While I was walking with some of my
classmates we saw Mrs. Hernandez and she explain us more about the river which
we all learn. Even though it was
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