On Saturday Morning, April 18th I attend a event to clean Los Angeles River. Let me began by saying how it was a super great experience. I don't live around the LA River, but when driving to this event, I realize that I pass by it everyday while on my way to school. This experience was great, I was able to interact with different new people who came from different cities just to clean the river. I also made a new friend there. All of this together added up to an amazing experience. I've always done community service when there is a chance but I have never heard of cleaning the river till "FOLAR" came up. When I got there I saw a lot of people; half of this people where students and the other half were people who gave up their Saturday morning to come clean the river. The FOLAR organization people provide every single person with gloves and trash bags all we had to do was pick trash. As the morning continued everyone got into groups and began cleaning, this is when I met my new buddy. We started walking around the rocks picking up trash we saw. At first the weather was nice but after walking for a while, it began to get hot and everyone was sweating, but this was not an obstacle to keep us from cleaning. Their were a few interesting things we saw, for example white flowers and a purple one but were hiding under need the trash. We also found pieces of plastic, pieces of metal and even an old rug. At this point I was shocked by all the trashed that was in the river. I couldn't believed all sources of things that were found in the river. It was really sad seeing that our river is not clean, that we can't even see some nature because it has been cover with trashed.
Most of the trash in the river is what people throw out on the streets and it gets washed into the river and no one ever sees the damage it causes. After two hours of walking, we all went back to where we met and there I saw all this huge bags full of trash. We all gather with our group and talked about the interesting things we found. After everything I can say that this experience made an impacted on me; how dirty some people can be. I not only went to the river for the first time but also made a new friend. It was a fun experience. I look forward attending next year.
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