Sunday, May 15, 2011

Solano Community Garden Experience

Hello my name is Sonia Contreras and I am in Mrs. Jenny Hick's English 101 stretch class. I was in her all girls class for the fall quarter and then had to enroll in her other class due to my work schedule. It has actually been a great freshman experience because I got to meet a lot of new wonderful people=) Through out the year we've had to talk about the whole nature and environmental issues going on today and I am glad that we actually got to do something good for the community in return. I attended the Solano Community Garden event on Saturday, May 14, 2011 and I have to admit it was a great experience. We were able to help by cleaning up the garden by trimming the plants and trees, cutting out the fresh fruit, and getting the soil loosen up to be ready to plant new fruits or vegetables. I was put to loosen and break the soil up to plant new items. I have to admit it was hard work because it's actually real labor. I can't believe my family used to live off taking care of their farms no wonder my parents couldn't get their education. Their main priority was to help their parents with their farm and well it isn't easy. Our experience was definitely different it's not like we have to live off doing it our whole life. I admire all the farmers out there because maintaining a farm isn't easy and well their hard work deserves to be recognized. Doing something for the community was a great way to start a Saturday morning. It was quite relaxing and definitely my first time being at an actual garden. I was surprised that I actually got to see a squirrel, a humming bird, and various creepy insects, but I am glad I didn't the snakes he kept mentioning. Best of all we all got to try the fresh strawberries and peaches=)
I look foward to doing something for the community again, it feels good when you know you've helped out. Thank you all<3

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