Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cleaning The Beach

This was my first time cleaning up a beach. Before we started cleaning up the teacher told us what to pick up and what not to pick up, that if we found something dangerous to tell them. After that mini orientation we got into groups and started cleaning up. While cleaning up the beach I found a wide variety of trash including cigarettes, pieces of plastic, and other small garbage. Most of that probably washed up from the ocean, there were also things left behind by people at the beach such as toy shovels, blankets, and balloons. I was told that balloons sometimes kill animals since they tend to eat them.Even though there wasn't as much garbage, it is still surprising to me that there is so much plastic among other rubbish being left on the beaches. We should maintain our beaches clean since those places, are places to relax, have fun, and just enjoy. After the clean up was over i felt great because i help save the life of some animal.

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