Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Heal The Bay

My name is Jack Cuateco. I am a student at Cal State LA and I along with all my classmates participated on Heal The Bay at Dockweiler beach. When we got there, from far the beach looked clean to me. How wrong I was to find out that most of the trash was buried. the person in charge had announced that there was a competition to find the most strangest thing and my friends and I with the help of some strong girls dug out a queen size blanket. The blanket was barely sticking out enough to be spotted and was almost dug in three feet deep. next to the blanket was a jimmy (used condom). HUUMM we don't have to be rocket scientist to do the math that the night before that day, those persons had a wild night. But the least they can do is pick up after their selves. I never thought that cleaning the beach would be so fun.

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