Monday, May 7, 2012

Hello, my name is Jose Reyes. Im a student from Mrs. Hicks English 101 class and as my assignment I had the option of cleaning Dockwelier beach or the LA river and I choose the LA river. :) Cleaning the LA river was a great experince for me beause it opened my eyes to many things and it changed the way I now look at the enviorment. Now I make sure I throw away my trash and pick up trash on the floors as well as inspiring others to do the same because it was not fun cleaning the river and it needs alot of help. :/ Seeing the LA river so dirty sadden me becuase the river should be a place where families can go on sudays afternoons and have a good time.Unfortunately, the river is not in those conditions but we can achieve it if we put our hearts into it and inspire others to help clean the enviornment. So remember to throw away your trash and inform others because you can make a difference by simply throwing away a piece of trash. Thank You for reading my post. :D 

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