Thursday, May 24, 2012

LA River Clean Up

Hello, My name is Skarlet J. Castro. I am part of  Mrs. Ximena Hernandez's English 101class. I was able to have the opportunity to serve the LA community and clean the LA River. Most of us who attended came across an immense amount of trash that was shocking. It revealed the reason why the oceans are so polluted, and how global warming is being created. It became clear that all of us have contributed to the littering, and careless behavior  leading our environment to where it is now.
                       Giving back and serving our community showed us how we can change the way things are in our environment. Also how little by little we can better our world. Having the experience of seeing what our world is coming to opened up alot of eyes, and changed most of our decision making. Imagine taking out tons of bags with filthy trash from the LA river, which is just a small portion of the world. Now imagine the trash all over your city and the world? Most of which is plastic. There were plastic tubes, metal, plastic bottles, cans, a great amount of plastic bags stuck on plants, old clothing, shopping carts, glass, aluminum. All of these things can be recycled, but we all need to contribute to the change.

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