Friday, May 9, 2014

Hello my name is Angela Ramos and I'm in Ms. Hernandez English 101 class. On Saturday, May 3 we had the opportunity to join with FoLar and other volunteers to help clean a part of the La river. When I first heard about it I was actually a bit thrilled because it was actually going to be my first time being there, but the night before I saw that it was going to be pretty warm. In the morning debating if to go or not and end up going. The experience was pretty cool. I was able to interact with my classmates while helping out the environment. We actually found a spot where it looked like someone had camped out. My group didn't only participate in the cleaning, but also in sorting out the trash. For every fifth bag counting we would open it up and sort it. What we found was that there were a lot of grocery bags more than anything. Overall the whole thing was a great experience and it felt good helping out the environment.

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