Tuesday, May 6, 2014

LA River Trip

I'm Selena Valdez, I had a distinct experience at the river trip with Professor Hernandez from California State University of Los Angeles. Over had a great experience, I went accompanied by my sister on the trip. I found a lot of fast food trash such as cups and wrappers. Also, found a market carts buried and attempted to dig it out. What surprised me was that the minute I crossed the bike trail and headed toward river I saw trash every where. It was my first time visiting the La river so the experience was all new to me. At the end of the trip I felt really glad I went and help the environment. I believe that if  people were to participate more often there will be less trash every year. I mostly collected plastic bag which according to Beavin it has a dramatic impact to our environment. I saw difference object that don't make sense why they are in the river but it felt good cleaning it up.

I didn't expect to have fun in the trip or find it interesting. It was just a class assignment I had to do. However, I got to experience nature in LA and improve it even if was just a little. I hope to again in the future. The experience made me have a self connection to "No impact man" that i enjoyed. I understand the book better and I saw what Beavin was taking about. Furthermore, understood the statement that Jenny Price makes "nature can be experience in La.". I didn't get to see the ducks that she talks about which was a bummer. After, looking at all the trash in the La river it made me realize the impact that trash has over the environment. Therefore, knowing there is a solution or something that can be done to make our environment a cleaner place is inspiring. By everyone at least cleaning up after themselves it would make a difference in the environment.

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