Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reviving The L.A. River

Hello, my name is Noel Soto and i am a student at CSULA taking English 101 with Ms. Hernandez. In this class the main topic is the environment and we discuss how we may preserve the environment and make this world look more green. On Saturday, April 23rd we had a service learning which was to clean the L.A. river along with FoLAR. Looking at the river of L.A. makes me think about the Lorax; we the people of L.A. took our river for granted and acted like it was an infinite water supply. Being apart of the service learning opened my eyes to just how dirty people can be. The river was far from looking like one, it kind of looked more like a desert. I was finding a range of items ranging from clothes to buried shopping carts to bicycle wheels. If we could get people to clean the way they did on Saturday every Saturday it would be our first big step into reviving the L.A. river. Cleaning up the river made me feel a sense of a bigger purpose and made me happy to see that there were still people who actually care about the environment because a lot of people just talk but never actually help in anyway. It's always nice to see people gather and do something nice for the environment.

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