Monday, April 20, 2015

The L.A. River Clean-up

Hello my name is Estefany Navarrete and on Saturday April 18th I attended the Los Angeles River Cleanup as part of an assignment for my English 101 class. When I got to the river I was shocked to see that from up close it actually did look like a river. I would always pass by there when I'm on the freeway but it would look more like a sewer than a river. I brought my dad, two little sisters, and my best friend to the cleanup because they were curious and they wanted to see the river up close. It was just nice to have my family and best friend there helping me and giving back to the community. Overall being part of the group that gathered up to clean the river was a huge honor because I got to do something, not just for the community but for the whole planet. It feels so good to be able to do something for the environment, we take so much from mother nature that it was time to give back. This has been a learning experience, I learned that most of the trash that was found in the river was plastic. It surprised me the amount of plastic that was up in the trees and in the water, it literally felt like every five minutes I was  picking up a plastic bag or bottle, it was crazy. I realized that plastic is evil because it can harm the animals that live in the river and they can easily die. There was other types materials that we found near the river like; fishing polls, torn clothing, suit cases etc... Seeing bags and bags of trash pile up made me realize how much we hurt the environment by being careless and not picking up after ourselves. I can relate to this to the Onceler because he is a selfish and greedy person, he just takes and takes and releases bad chemicals to the environment that is killing the nature and homes of the animals. I had so much fun this was such a great experience and I had fun. I would really like to this again.

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